Combastible Cremation Caskets
We carry a range of special caskets made specifically for cremation. Please note that the crematory requires the use of a combustible cremation container to enable the dignified transportation of the deceased and to facilitate the cremation process itself. Here are some of the cremation caskets we offer. You also have the option of supplying your own cremation container. Please note that many of these cremation caskets can also be used for Natural Burial.
Alternative Cardboard Box
Utility Flare, unfinished corrugated fiberboard, white plastic lining
Danson Teakwood, cloth covered, white crepe interior
Minor Gray, raised flat top, cloth covered, corrugated fiberboard
Georgian Dark Brown, carte veneer, rosetan crepe interior
Fiera Tabor Blue, cloth covered, blue crepe interior
Denton Aruba Bronze, cloth covered, rosetan crepe interior
Norfolk Pine Finish, carte veneer, white crepe interior
Longley Cherry Finish, carte veneer, white crepe interior
Cameron Lancaster, carte veneer, rosetone crepe interior
Even Tide Satin Medium Walnut, poplar veneer, rosetone crepe interior
Clivedon Satin American Maple, poplar hardwood, rosetone crepe interior
Rockdale Laminated Cherry Finish, carte veneer, rosetan crepe interior
Dayton A Dark Satin, poplar hardwood, ivory basketweave interior